My Hero Acadameia Manga Chapter 320 Spoilers Explained!

My Hero Acadameia Manga Chapter 320 is Titled "Deku vs Class A"

thanks to Astu on twitter for the spoilers

Chapter starts and we see lida with a serious expression, thinking about how stubborn Midoriya is. Bakugou reveals to Deku that they already know about his new quirks, from the 4th, 5th and 6th users. He also makes fun of his looks. Deku thanks them for looking for him and activates Smokescreen to run away, which Ochako recognizes as the 6th's quirk. Bakugou reacts with his own new move, Shockwave Landmine, to clear the fog and resumes saying that Deku now sees everyone else as secondary since he is stronger. Kouda sends many pigeons his way and yells that Nezu gave his approval so he can come back to U.A. Deku keeps saying he is sorry as he uses Black Whip to move away, but Sero stops him by using his tape on it. He then tells Deku he was prepared for the quirk since he knows it, a flashback of them training together is shown. While mid-air, Jirou appears and attacks with her new move called Heartbeat Wall. She says that even though he may not remember anymore, advice during the Culture Festival was very useful and made her happy.

Midoriya keeps running until Ojiro grabs him with his Tornado Tail Dance. He asks him if he remembers during the Sports Festival when he got mad because of his fight against Shinsou, and says that he can't accept that Midoriya is the only one getting hurt. Deku states that while he is being pursued, everyone around him is in danger as he remembers what happened to Aizawa, Gran Torino and Bakugou when they fought Shigaraki. With a villainous look on his face and sheer strength, he escapes once again. Before Deku can run away, Tokoyami pulls him into a building. Satou grabs Ojiro and Jirou in mid-air and screams to Deku that he won't help him with the candy apples to Eri anymore if he continues to run from them. Deku mutters to himself that Eri will be alright even if he's not around, and then he's taken by surprise by a machine created by Momo. It was supposed to make him sleep, but Deku destroys it before the effect kicks in.

Also read : One Piece 1019 Spoilers Explained!

Kaminari shoulder-hugs Deku to prevent him from escaping, questioning him about One for All being the only thing he thinks is important. Even if their hobbies are different, Kaminari still considers themselves friends and he wants Deku to count on him. Shouji takes the opportunity and covers the two of them with a special tape created by Momo. Tokoyami then uses his new technique, Dark Shadow Ragnarok - Tai (womb) and locks the two of them on a sphere of shadow. Tokoyami comments that the idea of using Dark Shadow in a defensive way came from Deku himself during the cavalry battle of the sports festival. Kaminari is still holding Deku inside the shadow orb and asks him to take a bath as soon as possible. Deku breaks free while screaming, destroying a big portion of the building they were in. Tokoyami is impressed to see Dark Shadow Ragnarok being overpowered.

Deku's mask falls off and we see him holding back tears. He says that he knows his friends are genuinely worried about him, to a point that Danger Sense hasn't been activated even once during this fight. But he needs them to understand that he's okay and has to keep doing this on his own. Shouto stops Deku using his Heaven Piercing Ice Wall. He asks Deku if his burden doesn't even allow him to cry like a normal person. He says that Deku should share this burden with all of them. Tsuyu is next to him saying that she won't let Deku get away, that she's tired of crying while feeling helpless. Her friends should be allowed to tremble when they're in fear and cry when they're in pain. If Deku's plan is to become a superhero like those in the comics, Class A will be by his side turning fiction into reality.

Chapter ends... 

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